
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wonderful And Impressive Solutions To Get Rid Of The Problem Of Bloated

         More problems we are experiencing in our daily lives are abdominal distension, but this problem is solved healthier by our simple and easy, the following twelve step to get rid of the problem of bloated:

1 drink water:

      If your body does not get enough fluids, the body consumes the stored fluid, causing swelling in the abdominal area .. So should drink fluids frequently throughout the day, the equivalent of 8-10 cups of water (equivalent to a quarter cup every half hour) so there is a balance of body fluids.

2 reducing the salt:

          Body adjustment can not only with many of salt quantities, and the more the amount of salt increased in the body increased Quote fluids to relieve its focus to prevent any malfunction, and to keep the amount of salt in the body in the normal range, and this of course leads to bloated, and with less salt and drink lots of the water, you will find the difference, where the abdominal area is no longer swollen because the body does not need to liquids stored in the body to dissolve the salt.

3 Get rid of bloated sports:

         Little exercise helps get rid of excess fluid in the body, which makes you less swelling. Try to practice aerobics three times a week, and no less influential sports that save you from stress, such as yoga or sport stretching.

4 eat a lot of fiber:

          The body needs a lot of fiber, but eat a lot of fiber also works flatulence. If you would you like to work on fiber diet exclusive, they should drink plenty of water. When there are fibers in the stomach without additional liquids, this leads to swelling of the stomach.

5. Pay attention to your drink:

       You must avoid some drinks such as coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and sparkling drink .. working on the absorption cell fluids, helping to swell.

6 taking minerals:

      If the swelling caused by menstruation can get rid of it by taking 200 mg of magnesium per day, and this was confirmed by researchers.

7 dispensing pastry:

        Of the most important causes of bloated, eat a lot of pasta, dairy products, alcohol, citrus fruits.

       Since we eat too much of those foods do not give our bodies a chance between those meals, this leads to a bloated abdomen. And of course the body needs carbohydrates, but a few and in reasonable quantities.

       For example, cereal can be taken in the morning with a piece of fruit and a little low-fat yogurt, and eat a little rice and pasta in the evening.

8 gases:

       Trapping gases in the stomach problem lead to a bloated abdomen, most of the world's population and suffered a really very painful.

       It causes gases in the body foods that contain spices and fat, cheese, red meat and alcohol, milk and coffee, especially those that contain caffeine.

       There are certain types of medications can be used to get rid of those annoying gases, as well as mint tea and also must chew food well.

9 Herbs:

         There are some herbs that work to prevent fluid retention and urinary, such as chicory and horse guilt (floral leaf) and prevent abdominal swelling in a safe manner.

10 knowledge of our bodies:

         Most women are likely to be bloated due to increased sexual hormone before the date of menstruation, but the fact that the increase in the amount of salt and fluid retention in the body and uptake by cells water is the main reason for the bloated before the date of the menstrual cycle, so you should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water, and the reduction of potassium.

11 yeast:

         Body contain yeast normal limits, but some people go out of natural boundaries and grow more difficult to control, and caused some of the symptoms such as extreme fatigue and headaches, as well as grow yeast above the normal rate due to other factors such as psychological stress, and the use of antibiotics in abundance.

        To get rid of those cases should ease or to abstain from sugar, as well as milk and pasta products.

12 do not eat and you are under the influence of pressure:

        Eating fast and not chewing food well or eating and you condition psychological bad or angry may lead to flatulence, if you are in a state of anger must defer eating that things calm down so that the stomach has calmed down in a relaxed state until passing food and digested we.


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