
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fantastic Benefits Of Olive Oil

         Atherosclerosis is caused by the deposition of fatty substances between the layers and tissues of the walls of the arteries, making them unable to stretch or extroversion, and thus be unable to cope with any increase in blood pressure, increases the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks with increased body weight, with the attendant in most often high fat levels, high blood pressure and diabetes.

      Hardening of the kidney arteries:
      Lead to a rise in blood pressure, and therefore non-arrival of a sufficient amount of blood to the kidneys, where it eventually leads to kidney failure.

       With burst blood vessels in the brain leads to the occurrence of paraplegia or paralysis of the vital centers of the brain as a speech or hearing or sight.

        As for where the blood vessels to the heart of the narrowing of the heart, causing a shortage in the amount of blood to the heart muscle, where at least their share of food and oxygen, and makes them susceptible to angina pectoris. The leads to drop in heart muscle.

         For limbs, especially in the lower limbs, and men are more likely than women by an estimated five times a vulnerability to hardening of the arteries of the limbs, and the symptoms of the disease occurrence intermittent pain in the grocery foot while walking, this pain is similar to that pain that occurs during contraction man muscle in the swim (swimming).

        The angina, they occur as a result of the non-arrival of a sufficient quantity of blood laden with oxygen supply to the heart muscle contraction needed for energy, and causes injury to the arteries feeding the heart hardening or increase the proportion of fats, cholesterol, blood pressure and psychological factors.

       Obesity also plays a large role in the rate of occurrence of the disease, and for physical inactivity considerable influence in the occurrence of angina.

        It has been found to perform regular intake of olive oil, helps prevent the hardening of the arteries and thus protects the body from the seriousness of this disease and its complications, as well as the body protected from the risk of angina.

         The benefit of olive oil in the treatment of many other diseases, including:

        Olive oil private lubricate the intestines, so it is used in cases of constipation and intestinal cramping.

        Can eat two tablespoons of oil, half an hour before a meal, or once in the morning and once in the evening before going to sleep, can add lemon juice to him, and can also be used in an enema as a facilitator of the intestines.


        Due to contain olive oil on a large amount of vitamin D it helps the formation of bone tissue, especially in infants, it also gives the facial redness and brighter, so you should eat lots of olive oil, especially for children who are not exposed to sunlight for long periods or live in dark rooms or buildings are closed.


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