
Friday, February 17, 2017

What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast?

      Suffer a lot of women are overweight and fat accumulation in unfavorable areas due to eat in abundance, or lack of movement, or due to genetic factors, thus causing so embarrassed for the women in front of her friends, her family, and her husband, the woman is always trying to get the body limber and weight appropriate to the length, strength svelte quick and easy ways, especially if it is on the verge of an event or a particular event you want to change its shape and wearing beautiful clothes.

Tips to lose weight in a week

      1-Drink a large glass of warm water every morning. Water softens the special weight when drinking in the early hours before eating breakfast.

     2-Care to eat breakfast in small quantities, such as, one boiled egg, and a cup of sugar-free orange juice, half a loaf of bread brunette, and a teaspoon of jam, and you must repeat this breakfast daily for a week.

     3-The lunch should be a piece of grilled chicken or boiled without any kind of oil, and bread brunette, and a glass of juice, unsweetened, and a bowl of green salad and possibly lunch also be a steak grilled chicken, or some free food from quite fat.

     4-The dinner should have two pieces of fruit such as apple and pear, or cucumis sativus and an apple, or a cup of yogurt with the cucumis sativus.

      5-Stay away from all the sweets and chocolates, and do not put sugar on drinks.
Drinking green tea twice a day with ginger, aniseed drink a day.

      6-Exercise intensely for a week, at home or go to sports clubs, and access to exercise that reduces fat and then applied a day, walking, jogging, and also swimming is the main task for Weight Loss sports, as well as sauna, steam rooms, which melts fat rapidly.

      7-The acquisition of the belt, which dissolves the fat, and place it on the waist over a period of domestic work or when running and walking, it helps to reduce weight.

      8-Consult a dietitian to get the ideal body weight in one week. 

       In these ways women can lose a lot of calories and weight in one week, and we must take into account while doing this kind of diet to avoid taking refrain from eating at all the food; because it will lead to collect fat in the regions and the loss in other areas of the body becomes so inconsistently and are much loss of body fluids they expose themselves to disease and the lack of the necessary vitamins to carry out vital operations.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wonderful And Impressive Solutions To Get Rid Of The Problem Of Bloated

         More problems we are experiencing in our daily lives are abdominal distension, but this problem is solved healthier by our simple and easy, the following twelve step to get rid of the problem of bloated:

1 drink water:

      If your body does not get enough fluids, the body consumes the stored fluid, causing swelling in the abdominal area .. So should drink fluids frequently throughout the day, the equivalent of 8-10 cups of water (equivalent to a quarter cup every half hour) so there is a balance of body fluids.

2 reducing the salt:

          Body adjustment can not only with many of salt quantities, and the more the amount of salt increased in the body increased Quote fluids to relieve its focus to prevent any malfunction, and to keep the amount of salt in the body in the normal range, and this of course leads to bloated, and with less salt and drink lots of the water, you will find the difference, where the abdominal area is no longer swollen because the body does not need to liquids stored in the body to dissolve the salt.

3 Get rid of bloated sports:

         Little exercise helps get rid of excess fluid in the body, which makes you less swelling. Try to practice aerobics three times a week, and no less influential sports that save you from stress, such as yoga or sport stretching.

4 eat a lot of fiber:

          The body needs a lot of fiber, but eat a lot of fiber also works flatulence. If you would you like to work on fiber diet exclusive, they should drink plenty of water. When there are fibers in the stomach without additional liquids, this leads to swelling of the stomach.

5. Pay attention to your drink:

       You must avoid some drinks such as coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and sparkling drink .. working on the absorption cell fluids, helping to swell.

6 taking minerals:

      If the swelling caused by menstruation can get rid of it by taking 200 mg of magnesium per day, and this was confirmed by researchers.

7 dispensing pastry:

        Of the most important causes of bloated, eat a lot of pasta, dairy products, alcohol, citrus fruits.

       Since we eat too much of those foods do not give our bodies a chance between those meals, this leads to a bloated abdomen. And of course the body needs carbohydrates, but a few and in reasonable quantities.

       For example, cereal can be taken in the morning with a piece of fruit and a little low-fat yogurt, and eat a little rice and pasta in the evening.

8 gases:

       Trapping gases in the stomach problem lead to a bloated abdomen, most of the world's population and suffered a really very painful.

       It causes gases in the body foods that contain spices and fat, cheese, red meat and alcohol, milk and coffee, especially those that contain caffeine.

       There are certain types of medications can be used to get rid of those annoying gases, as well as mint tea and also must chew food well.

9 Herbs:

         There are some herbs that work to prevent fluid retention and urinary, such as chicory and horse guilt (floral leaf) and prevent abdominal swelling in a safe manner.

10 knowledge of our bodies:

         Most women are likely to be bloated due to increased sexual hormone before the date of menstruation, but the fact that the increase in the amount of salt and fluid retention in the body and uptake by cells water is the main reason for the bloated before the date of the menstrual cycle, so you should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water, and the reduction of potassium.

11 yeast:

         Body contain yeast normal limits, but some people go out of natural boundaries and grow more difficult to control, and caused some of the symptoms such as extreme fatigue and headaches, as well as grow yeast above the normal rate due to other factors such as psychological stress, and the use of antibiotics in abundance.

        To get rid of those cases should ease or to abstain from sugar, as well as milk and pasta products.

12 do not eat and you are under the influence of pressure:

        Eating fast and not chewing food well or eating and you condition psychological bad or angry may lead to flatulence, if you are in a state of anger must defer eating that things calm down so that the stomach has calmed down in a relaxed state until passing food and digested we.

Food Does Not Cause Obesity Gives You Warmth In Winter

       It is known that foods that give the body a sense of warmth with a high proportion of fat and cause injury to persons with obesity and weight gain.

       Doctors nutrition and treatment of obesity and thinness, they say that there are a number of foods that give warmth to the human body, and at the same time light on the stomach and easy to digest, and does not cause obesity.

- Chilli and spices:
        Of nutrients that give warmth, because the body reacts when you eat spices and chili is to stimulate blood circulation, it also has another benefit, which burn fat, what causes the heating body:

- eggs:
        It works on the body heat and thus warm up for hours.

- Bee's honey:
        Works on the body heat internally, what feels Mtnaoulih warmth, enough to eat a spoonful in the morning and again in the evening.

- Lentils:

        Of light on the stomach and easy to digest food, as well as cause a sense of satiety for a long time and thus help to lose weight, and that of the most important features to grant the body warmth for a long time.

Fantastic Benefits Of Olive Oil

         Atherosclerosis is caused by the deposition of fatty substances between the layers and tissues of the walls of the arteries, making them unable to stretch or extroversion, and thus be unable to cope with any increase in blood pressure, increases the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attacks with increased body weight, with the attendant in most often high fat levels, high blood pressure and diabetes.

      Hardening of the kidney arteries:
      Lead to a rise in blood pressure, and therefore non-arrival of a sufficient amount of blood to the kidneys, where it eventually leads to kidney failure.

       With burst blood vessels in the brain leads to the occurrence of paraplegia or paralysis of the vital centers of the brain as a speech or hearing or sight.

        As for where the blood vessels to the heart of the narrowing of the heart, causing a shortage in the amount of blood to the heart muscle, where at least their share of food and oxygen, and makes them susceptible to angina pectoris. The leads to drop in heart muscle.

         For limbs, especially in the lower limbs, and men are more likely than women by an estimated five times a vulnerability to hardening of the arteries of the limbs, and the symptoms of the disease occurrence intermittent pain in the grocery foot while walking, this pain is similar to that pain that occurs during contraction man muscle in the swim (swimming).

        The angina, they occur as a result of the non-arrival of a sufficient quantity of blood laden with oxygen supply to the heart muscle contraction needed for energy, and causes injury to the arteries feeding the heart hardening or increase the proportion of fats, cholesterol, blood pressure and psychological factors.

       Obesity also plays a large role in the rate of occurrence of the disease, and for physical inactivity considerable influence in the occurrence of angina.

        It has been found to perform regular intake of olive oil, helps prevent the hardening of the arteries and thus protects the body from the seriousness of this disease and its complications, as well as the body protected from the risk of angina.

         The benefit of olive oil in the treatment of many other diseases, including:

        Olive oil private lubricate the intestines, so it is used in cases of constipation and intestinal cramping.

        Can eat two tablespoons of oil, half an hour before a meal, or once in the morning and once in the evening before going to sleep, can add lemon juice to him, and can also be used in an enema as a facilitator of the intestines.


        Due to contain olive oil on a large amount of vitamin D it helps the formation of bone tissue, especially in infants, it also gives the facial redness and brighter, so you should eat lots of olive oil, especially for children who are not exposed to sunlight for long periods or live in dark rooms or buildings are closed.

Tips for beginners to exercise properly

        Follow a new way of life depends on the exercise of the things that require knowing some tips to avoid falling into the wrong practice of exercise that results in fatigue and stress and some muscle and respiratory problems during exercise problems.

        Here are tips to help you start a healthy exercise program for weight loss easily and without feeling tired and exposure to the problems arising from the erroneous practice of exercise.

        You know the importance of the gradient during exercise, practice of exercises Statistics first and then exercise extreme that achieves great results and reduces the chances of fatigue and stress, where the preferred practice of warm-up exercises such as walking first and then running slow, then run fast for a period of at least 15 minutes before take exercise Difficult.

         Drinking water while exercising in appropriate amounts helps to achieve perfect results as a result of the practice of physical activity on all members of the body, where the water works to wetting  the body and compensated for the water they lose through sweat, as water helps clean the body of toxins and enhances the burning process to lose body fat stored it.

                           the focus
        Should be a good focus on your goal for the duration of the exercise, do not MAKE feeling tired and fatigue as a catalyst to end the exercise, but Seek the help of your goal to summon good and quick results of the exercise.

        You should eat the last meal before going to the club about 3 hours to avoid fatigue and exhaustion during the exercise, which helps eating a meal before starting the exercise directly in ending the exercise quickly as a result of feeling tired and exhausted, and after completion of the strenuous workouts national eating light meals to achieve good results.


        You should consult a trained specialist to explain to you the perfect way to do exercise even avoid anything negative impact of the erroneous practice of exercise.

Countless Benefits For The Sport Of Jumping Rope Know Them...

        Sport jumped rope, unfortunately, has become one of the sports that do not care about others, despite the many benefits do not count, they are plus it helps to lose weight, have other benefits for our bodies, including:

Promote heart health:
       Studies say that a jump rope increase the heart rate way that makes the body uses oxygen more efficiently which enhances the health of the heart, lungs and Promote blood.

 Promote the health of the lungs:
        When jumping rope, the lungs get more air which helps solve a lot of respiratory problems.

 Burn calories:
       Studies confirm that jumping rope for 30 minutes burns about 400 calories, and this includes the stored fat all over the body, so the doctors people who want to lose weight by following this exercise a day is recommended.

       Doctors say that the jump rope from more exercises that cause the secretion of large amounts of sweat, which helps get rid of toxins stored in the body and thus help to regenerate the body's cells to operate at full capacity.

Reduce the feeling of tension and enhance mental activity:
        Studies confirm that the jump rope works to strengthen neural connections in the body, and that this exercise encourages the body to produce the hormone endorphins and these hormones greatly help you relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

Promote blood circulation:

        This sport helps boost pump blood properly and more efficiently to all parts of the body especially the arteries, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

Mistakes in the make-up may spoil your beauty!

Dear Eve

        Today we would like to draw your attention to the most important mistakes that just a cosmetics for primary objective is to show the beauty, but it may spoil your beauty, come together to recognize these mistakes to avoid them...

Excessive use:
         Maximizing the amount of product that you put on your face, because you thought that this excess quantity check what you want it doubly, while the moderation in use is the only reason we bring you the elegant and beautiful views, use a lot of cosmetics is a harmless layers of beauty and skin at the same time .

 Inattention shelf life:
         Despite the many tips that guide you in this area, you find that you ignore or disregard the issue of the validity of cosmetics, which go beyond the period required, will give you a harmful effect on the skin's health, and show more tired rather than the contrary, here we recommend once again to abide by the shelf life of cosmetics.

Insisting on innovation makeup laws 

        Recognize that modern for you symbolizing rebirth, and not fall into the typical classics that are soon to turn into a boring laws, but there is broad headings you should always abide by it, gradients permitted colors for the eyes, without lips or in the opposite form, which aims to preserve the panoramic elegance.

Failure to observe the hierarchy of lotions status:

       This is done at the insistence on non-compliance with the logical sequence for the development of a make-up, particularly those relating to skin, and you get a view of the skin is homogeneous with each other, and non-uniform color as you want.